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Indonesia asked to remove sex-laced books from schools

Books recommended by education ministry contain explicit mention of 'sexual violence and pornography,' say educationists
Pages from a novel with alleged objectionable content that has been recommended for student reading under the 'Literature in the Curriculum' program for primary and secondary schools in Indonesia.

Pages from a novel with alleged objectionable content that has been recommended for student reading under the 'Literature in the Curriculum' program for primary and secondary schools in Indonesia. (Photo: Supplied)

Published: May 30, 2024 12:44 PM GMT
Updated: May 31, 2024 04:08 AM GMT

Educationists in Indonesia have urged the government to revise a list of recommended literary books for school teachers and students that contain sexual violence and pornography.

The 177 fiction books listed under the 'Literature in the Curriculum' program for primary and secondary schools "violate decency norms," said Ahmad Rizali, deputy chairman of the Nusantara Utama Cita Association.

He said the books, issued by the Ministry of Education, Research and Technology, contain explicit mention of "sexual violence and pornography." 

"The ministry must stop this recklessness," Rizali demanded in a statement on May 30.

His association oversees schools run by Nahdlatul Ulama, the most prominent Islamic organization in the Muslim-majority nation.

Rizali said some books contained descriptions of obscene and vulgar scenes. He cited a novel, Puya ke Puya, written by Faisal Oddang, alleging it contained "a narrative of sexual violence."

Another example, he said, is a short story, Rumah Kawin, by Zen Hae, in which the author describes a sexual act in detail.

Rizali called it an “unreasonable" act and accused the ministry of “officially promoting pornography.”

Education Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim launched the book reading program on May 20. It is intended to inculcate a reading habit among students from a young age.

The ministry has provided a disclaimer that some books may have content that may be objectionable.

"A mere disclaimer is not enough," Rizali stressed.

Considering that schoolchildren have a high degree of curiosity, they will pick up these books irrespective of the disclaimer, noted Father Vincent Darmin Mbula, chairman of the National Council for Catholic Education.

"The government should be more careful," the Franciscan priest told UCA News.

He hoped the government could be wiser and choose from "many other books that are more appropriate."

The education wing of Muhammadiyah, the second-largest Muslim outfit in Indonesia, has asked the ministry to be selective in choosing the reading list.

"This is certainly counterproductive to strengthening education," said Alpha Amirrachman, head of the education wing.

Meanwhile, Anindito Aditomo, head of the curriculum agency in the education ministry, said the ministry was open “to suggestions from the public."

All these books on the list “are circulating freely in Indonesia," he observed.

However, he said the ministry was temporarily withdrawing the initial list of books and revising it “based on the input we received.”

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